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杰克?金伯勒(Matthew Knight 饰)一家的血腥灭门惨案轰动全芝加哥,而杰克本人也在严密监视的精神病院近乎病房中被残忍杀害。从此,金伯
Organisés en go fast, sept hommes, répartis dans quatre voitures, convoi
A virus breaks out and a chilling massacre rages through the streets of
Three adult siblings go examine their late parents' house in the mid
《尸杀军营》新加坡首部自制的僵尸大片! 你是否能想象活尸降临新加坡? 更可怕的是他们竟然出没在兵营里…… 故事讲述神秘病毒入侵一个荒僻的兵营里,
Daniel returns to his family's mansion for the holidays along with his g
一场史无前例的狂犬病疫情正在针叶林中爆发。 被感染的狼变得越来越凶猛,咬一口必死无疑。 与此同时,一位绝望的父亲决定将他的儿子强行隔离在其中一个
阴森恐怖之夜,单身妈妈崔嘉姬神情恍惚飘渺,以极其残忍的方式结束了自己的性命,只留下可怜的小男孩小斌(李亨硕 饰)独自面对未知的世界。由于联系不上
Oliviero is a burned-out writer, living at his estate near Venice, his d
Madness, mayhem, and mummification rites ensue when a documentary filmma
The daughter who tries to figure out the mystery behind her father's
As the youngest child who has never known her mother, Tasya (Gabriella Q
Di hutan angker itu, anak hilang ketika matahari terbenam. Ketika ada ya
当两个天主教女孩Catherine 和 Rebecca在卖宗教用品时候,敲了不该敲的门,事情开始变得恐怖起来......